My name is Erin Baker, and I am the founder and author of Blue Yurt Farms. My blog is focused on all things related to responsible travel, country living, healthy eating, homesteads, and farm living in general.
I got my inspiration to start this blog from my dad. I grew up on a farm in the countryside and whilst my cousins from New York used to say that we were from the Stone Age, I loved our primitive way of life. We grew our own vegetables, had a well for water, collected firewood in the forest and we didn’t have a TV.
My dad was my rock, my inspiration and my best friend. He taught me everything I know.
Unfortunately, he passed away when I was just 16. It was a very tough time for me and my family but we got through it together and I’m the person I am today because of those 16 precious years I spent with my dad.
This blog is dedicated to him and the things he taught me.
Because I’m here to spread the word about living a greener way of life, and people need to hear this stuff as change is NEEDED!
Feel free to share my articles and follow me on social media to keep up to date on where I am and what I’m up to.